Monday, August 6, 2012

From Barcelona to Ibiza then finally ROME!

Rock of Gibraltar
Hello Everyone,

Cheeky monkey on the top of the Rock of Gibraltar
I have to say these last few weeks have been incredible.  This has been my favorite set of ports so far and they all have one thing in common....the Mediterranean.  :)  Here are some of the highlights.

I loved the cultural influences in this picture, Gibraltar.

The lighthouse on Gibraltar that separates the Atlantic from the Mediterranean (Atlantic behind lighthouse Med. in front)

Monkey on top of the Rock

Caves in the Rock of Gibraltar

There was a concert hall in the caves!!

The view from the siege tunnels in Gibraltar
First of all, while the Rock of Gibraltar isn’t technically in the Mediterranean I was so happy to get there one of the first days on this 21 day cruise….plus….I had a monkey on my head.  Thats right , a real live wild monkey!!  Not only that but this little cheeky monkey got a little fresh with me trying to find food as you can see in the picture.   Gibraltar was quite a different place.  It was so tropical yet English at the same time that the mash up almost seemed strange but it works for this little island.  You can also see the history everywhere you turn with the WWII siege tunnels and the left side of the street driving.  This place quickly became one of my favorite spots and I cannot wait to go back someday in the future and when I do I will make sure to wear a turtle neck. :)

Amazing tapas that I shared with Spencer in Barcelona Day 1

The wonderful and tasty Ximeneta that we stumbled upon in Barcelona...very delicious pastry!

This says it all!

City view of Barcelona from the top of a hotel

One of the very cool Gaudi houses...this one was inspired by the scales of a dragon

Another piece of architecture by Gaudi

Sunset on the Olympics beach in Barcelona
Second, we had an over night in Barcelona and I can't even begin to tell you how beautiful this city is.  The Gaudi archetecture is something that should not be missed by anyone who has an artistic eye or imagination. One of the buildings, if you can believe it, was  built to resemble dragon scales and that in itself is just cool.  I was also very fortunate to be able to go on one of the excursions to a Flamenco and dinner show.  First of all, they served us this wonderful paella and Rioja wine, followed by a chicken stew, dessert then a glass of cava (Spanish champagne).  All of this was followed by one of the coolest flamenco shows I have ever seen.  They have live singers as well so it was really neat to hear the traditional singing as well.  

The parliament house also known as the "wedding cake" in Rome.  This place was HUGE!

The Coliseum, Rome

The BEST Gelato found in Rome.  I had Fig, Coconut, and Chocolate flavors and it was epic.

A legitimate Raffaello painting found in the Palazzo Barbarini, Rome

Throwing my coin in the Trevi fountain!

Trying to get an action shot of other people throwing their coins in the fountain.

Trevi Fountain, Rome

Pantheon, Rome

YUM, Rome

A Spritzer Parole, a drink with orange liquor and champagne.  Very refreshing after the long day out in the sun.

THE Pizza.  Madeline and I gave it no chance. So good.
Last but not least and my top favorite place so far was the Rome.  Of course, I didn’t stop moving one I got to this place because there was soooooo much to see.  I tried to see everything but the Vatican because I am saving the pleasure of seeing that for when my friend Danielle visits me in September (which I can’t wait for!!!).  I had the pleasure of seeing the Coliseum, which let me tell you, makes you feel like and ant in the course of time when you feel the history there.  In a strange way I felt relieved of all my stresses while in the presence of the Coliseum because I felt like they were just all so minute in the scheme of things.  That being said, I also say the Pantheon, threw my coin in the Trevi fountain because legend says if you throw a coin in you are bound to return, and also had me the best gelato and pizza I have ever had while standing on this earth.  Whoa.  It was all well worth the five hours of walking in 90+ degree heat.  




Tito and Mollie, who were with me shopping in Ibiza

Old village in Ibiza

View from castle in Ibiza
Ibiza, this was a quick stop and while this place is known to be a legendary party spot for all the A-listers including Paris Hilton and the likes of (classy right?) but we only stayed until 2:30 in the afternoon so the best thing to do was shop and go around the castle.  All of which I will let the pictures show you how beautiful this place was and in a way I am kind of glad we didn’t stay because it gives me an excuse to walk back.

I know I went through all of these rather quickly but so much has happened and I truly gave all the highlights I could think of right now.  Plus, I feel the pictures always speak louder than my words so I made sure to put plenty of them in.  

As far as the ship goes life has been great.  I am now doing a daily morning show with the cruise director (who is one of the big wigs on the ship for those who don’t know) that is aired on the ship televisions every day.  It is really neat and one could say that my role on the ship has shifted to a little more of a leadership role position as opposed to just being an entertainer.  It is also really strange to be in the gym and have the person next to you watching you talk on the TV. Cool, right!?  I am really embracing this role and it feels good to have something else to work on during the long cruises.  

So I am in Cadiz, Spain today.  Let’s see what unfolds.

Where I've Been So Far

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mediterranean Bound

Sunset last night
Let’s see, it’s been over half of the trip.  I have seen the Caribbean, the Bermuda triangle, the Canary Islands, Scandinavia, and the Baltic.   and I am finally getting to the sunny beaches of the Mediterranean.  I have to say my tan is nowhere to where I thought it would be at this point and I understand why Scandinavians and Russians tend to be of the paler hue….  It’s STILL cold.  Even the other day in St. Petersburg it is half way through the summer and I am still wearing sweaters and jackets.  Well, those are being put away for me now and here comes the bikini (and more frequent trips to the gym) because I am going to be on some beaches…cold or not.  

The Little Mermaid; Copenhagen, Denmark.  She has lost one of her arms and her head twice.
Also, I am finally going to add Italy to my list of places I have been and even though I am going to be in a bikini even more I am going to eat, pray, love some straight up Italian pizza.  Honestly, nothing is going to stop me from doing this because there is no way I can be disappointed especially when the pizza on the ship resembles tomato paste with a few shreds of cheese on a piece of cardboard.  This is going to be a time where even the most simple pizza will resemble a Davinci masterpiece.  (Which I saw in person in St. Petersburg after waiting in a long line.... totally worth it).  

Christiana, Denmark
So tomorrow I am in Dover for the last time before our home port becomes Barcelona.  This is the town that we have been visiting ever week or so to get new eager passengers and is also the same place where, unbeknownst to me, I started a drunken bar fight between two belligerent Brits at noon time on a Saturday after rejecting one and leaving the bar.  Yep.  I am interested to see how packed this little shipping town with a drinking problem on the coast will be doing with the Olympic traffic just arriving in London.  

I am also quite shocked as to how many older folks have no idea the Olympics are happening in London or that they are even occurring in the near future.  O Well….what do you do with that.  :)

Yet another wonderful sunset

Infamous Officer Bar in the Ryndam

Friday, July 13, 2012

A smattering of pics!

Chritiania; a hippy commune in Copenhagen, Denmark

Dancing in the Crow's Nest on the ship!!
Love this pic of Martien and I eating softees ice cream.  Even though is it still cold in Norway those people LOVE their ice cream.

Sam and I in Geiranger, Norway standing next to a peddling robot duck.

Geiranger, Norway.  This was probably to most beautiful place.

Stavanger, Norway.  Just a sweet and quaint place

I'm Alive, and Well, and Lately in Helsinki!

I am sitting here in Helsinki, Finland. It is a gorgeous fine day and I was inspired to write a blog again after a span of time that just flew by with events.

First of all thank you to all those that expressed concern over my "disappearing":) The last month has been somewhat of a doozy and to be honest my blog went on the back burner. Sad but true. Consider this my "restart" and let me full you in:

- We left Norway after a month and a half of sailing back and forth from there to Dover, England. I love Norway but I am happy to see some new places. Going to the same places over and over again was threatening to make Norway seem like "Bore-way" ( corney I know). In the Baltic now then to the Mediterranean... Finally!

- My boyfriend Joe and I broke up. This is also a sad thing but truly a something that I feel was better for both of us because of the distance. At least I know there are really great guys out there because Joe was defiantly one if them.

- I also decided that I like doing this and would like to continue to keep my hat is on the table for upcoming contracts. I might already have something but I am not going to say too much here because I don't want to jinx it:)

- Went back to St Petersburg and it was just as awesome as the first time I went to study there with the O'Neill. Made me really nostalgic none the less for my NTI friends. Love you guys!

- my best friend Danielle is officially visiting me in September 9th-24rd and we are going to take Italy and Greece by storm. If Greece thinks it has problems now...they better watch out.

- Lastly, I am in a pretty good place. Feeling like I've found a sort of niche that has everything I like. Singing, traveling, sun, fun times, getting paid, and a new experience where ever you turn. Plus, I am making some pretty good friends.

So lastly, Hello again:) I'll post a smattering of pics tonight.

Also, yesterday was my official half way point. Weird.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pulpit Rock in Stavanger and the Troll Church in Molde, Norway

Stavanger, Pulpit Rock

First of all, Norway is truly a land of wonder.  Throughout my adventures here I have been told about trolls, river spirits, and wood nymphs named Huldra.  For those who don’t know, because I certainly didn’t, “the huldra belongs to the underground people and is supposedly a beautiful young girl with long hair, walking around in the woods, trying to seduce young men and lure them to marry her and move underground with her. She is often seen herding cattle - cows which are exceptionally fat and full of milk, and the leader cow has a bucket with little silver bells on its horns. She is dressed in a national costume or a white blouse and a skirt, and her chest is decorated with silver and gold. But you recognise that she’s a huldra if she turns her back to you: She has a cow’s tail!”  WHAT?! 
 I know this sounds pretty fantastical but these are traditions found mostly in forest areas and agricultural districts which are mostly all the places we are seeing so… I have been keeping my eyes peeled while I have been hiking this last week.  

Stavanger, Pulpit Rock

Stavanger, Pulpit Rock
Stavanger, Pulpit Rock
Most of us that went on the hike- Stavanger, Pulpit Rock
Stavanger was such a perfect day.  We left the ship and it was a sunny 70 degrees outside and couldn’t help but soak up to sun.  I actually got a sunburn this day, which was brilliant, because I matched my pink pant suit I had to wear that night in the showJ  This day we hiked to Preikestolhytta, or Pulpit Rock in English, and this is a true “bucket-list” place.  The walk to Preikestolen is very steep in places. The path starts at the Preikestolhytta, at an elevation of approximately 886 feet above sea level, and climbs 1982 feet. The hike takes 1-3 hours depending on experience and fitness level and we HAD to do it within 2 so needless to say we were kicking our butts. Being that the hike it pretty short the total elevation gain and loss over the course of the hike is more than one might initially expect, or at least more than I expected, as the path climbs and descends various ridges where you are practically climbing.  It was well worth the trip though once we go to the top as only the pictures can attest to so feast your eyes on me sitting at the edge of the world. :)

Molde, Norway- Getting ready to hike!!

The mountain that we had to get to the top of

View from the hike up to Troll Chruch- Molde

View from the hike up to Troll Chruch- Molde

Entrance of the Troll Church

View from the entrance of the cave

The next place we went to was Trollkirke, or Troll Church, in Molde which was also a rather difficult hike because there was no trail at all.  The views on this equally gorgeous day were incredible.  I felt like I landed in the land of pastoral paradise.  The troll church, after we finally arrived above the snow line of the mountain, was a cave that had an underground waterfall  of ice cold snow runoff surrounded by walls of white quartz.  I felt like I seriously was in the Lord of the Rings movie. There couldn’t have been anything more appealing to the imagination than that.  

The next cruise is a chartered cruise, meaning the entire ship was bought out by one group.  Supposedly it is a spanish group where only 15% of the group can speak minimal English.  This ought to be interesting, but seeing as they have spent $14 million dollars to rent the ship for a full week and have brought on $6,000 of additional wine, I am thinking they are just going to want to have a good time:)

I'll let you know how it goes.