Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mediterranean Bound

Sunset last night
Let’s see, it’s been over half of the trip.  I have seen the Caribbean, the Bermuda triangle, the Canary Islands, Scandinavia, and the Baltic.   and I am finally getting to the sunny beaches of the Mediterranean.  I have to say my tan is nowhere to where I thought it would be at this point and I understand why Scandinavians and Russians tend to be of the paler hue….  It’s STILL cold.  Even the other day in St. Petersburg it is half way through the summer and I am still wearing sweaters and jackets.  Well, those are being put away for me now and here comes the bikini (and more frequent trips to the gym) because I am going to be on some beaches…cold or not.  

The Little Mermaid; Copenhagen, Denmark.  She has lost one of her arms and her head twice.
Also, I am finally going to add Italy to my list of places I have been and even though I am going to be in a bikini even more I am going to eat, pray, love some straight up Italian pizza.  Honestly, nothing is going to stop me from doing this because there is no way I can be disappointed especially when the pizza on the ship resembles tomato paste with a few shreds of cheese on a piece of cardboard.  This is going to be a time where even the most simple pizza will resemble a Davinci masterpiece.  (Which I saw in person in St. Petersburg after waiting in a long line.... totally worth it).  

Christiana, Denmark
So tomorrow I am in Dover for the last time before our home port becomes Barcelona.  This is the town that we have been visiting ever week or so to get new eager passengers and is also the same place where, unbeknownst to me, I started a drunken bar fight between two belligerent Brits at noon time on a Saturday after rejecting one and leaving the bar.  Yep.  I am interested to see how packed this little shipping town with a drinking problem on the coast will be doing with the Olympic traffic just arriving in London.  

I am also quite shocked as to how many older folks have no idea the Olympics are happening in London or that they are even occurring in the near future.  O Well….what do you do with that.  :)

Yet another wonderful sunset

Infamous Officer Bar in the Ryndam

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