Day 1- Needless to say, it has already been a day of experiences:) So far got on the boat with all of my stuff....why did I pack so much? I have gone through three separate training sessions and all by 10:30 this morning. I met the people who lived in my room, which is small but still bigger than my room in NY, before they completely moved out. They filled me in on the "special" details of the quarters such as a "smell that resembles dead fish and other fragrant items" coming out of the shower when the boat is rocking. We shall see what happens and guess who is getting a glade plug in! That being said, As soon as we finished with our training for the day we are off to do tech of our first show NOTHINGS GONNA STOP US NOW. It is the teaser done on the first day of every cruise and since today is the first day it has to be performed tonight at 9:30. Then we start rehearsing another show tonight for tomorrow!!! It's turning out to be a crazy long yet eventful day and all on about 6 hrs in the past two days of sleep and no food yet (its 2pm)...BUT it's crunch time and here goes nothing!!! I have to say though, this is pretty exciting:) the ship is beautiful! More pics to come!
These pictures are of the Ryndam this morning and rehearsal in the Showroom at Sea Theater.